
J. Andrés Díaz Pace

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16EEAlvaro Soria, J. Andrés Díaz Pace, Marcelo R. Campo: Tool Support for Fault Localization Using Architectural Models. CSMR 2009: 59-68
15EEGerman L. Vazquez, Marcelo R. Campo, J. Andrés Díaz Pace: A case-based reasoning approach for materializing software architectures onto object-oriented designs. SAC 2008: 842-843
14EEJ. Andrés Díaz Pace, Marcelo R. Campo: Experiences with planning techniques for assisting software design activities. Appl. Intell. 29(1): 56-78 (2008)
13EELuis Berdún, J. Andrés Díaz Pace, Analía Amandi, Marcelo Campo: Assisting novice software designers by an expert designer agent. Expert Syst. Appl. 34(4): 2772-2782 (2008)
12EEJ. Andrés Díaz Pace, Marcelo R. Campo: Using Planning Techniques to Assist Quality-Driven Architectural Design Exploration. QoSA 2007: 33-52
11EEJ. Andrés Díaz Pace, Marcelo R. Campo: ArchMatE: from architectural styles to object-oriented models through exploratory tool support. OOPSLA 2005: 117-132
10EEMarcelo R. Campo, J. Andrés Díaz Pace, Federico Trilnik: "Computer, please, tell me what I have to do...": an approach to agent-aided application composition. Journal of Systems and Software 74(1): 55-64 (2005)
9EEJ. Andrés Díaz Pace, Marcelo R. Campo, Alvaro Soria: Architecting the Design of Multi-agent Organizations with Proto-frameworks. SELMAS 2003: 73-91
8EEFederico Trilnik, J. Andrés Díaz Pace, Marcelo R. Campo: Smartweaver: an agent-based approach for aspect-oriented development. ICSE 2002: 716
7EEJ. Andrés Díaz Pace, Marcelo R. Campo: An object-oriented bridge among architectural styles, aspects and frameworks. ICSE 2002: 717
6EEJ. Andrés Díaz Pace, Federico Trilnik, Marcelo R. Campo: Assisting the Development of Aspect-Based Multi-agent Systems Using the Smartweaver Approach. SELMAS 2002: 165-181
5 Jane Pryor, J. Andrés Díaz Pace, Marcelo R. Campo: Reflecting on Separation of Concerns. RITA 9(1): 7-36 (2002)
4 Marcelo R. Campo, J. Andrés Díaz Pace, Mario Zito: Developing object-oriented enterprise quality frameworks using proto-frameworks. Softw., Pract. Exper. 32(8): 837-843 (2002)
3EEJ. Andrés Díaz Pace, Mohamed Fayad, Federico Trilnik, Marcelo R. Campo: Accomplishing Adaptability in Simulation Frameworks: the Bubble Approach. COMPSAC 2001: 437-444
2 J. Andrés Díaz Pace, Marcelo R. Campo: Analyzing the role of aspects in software design. Commun. ACM 44(10): 66-73 (2001)
1EEJ. Andrés Díaz Pace, Federico Trilnik, Marcelo R. Campo: Applying Proto-Frameworks in the Development of Multi-Agent Systems. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 13: 53-67 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Analía Amandi [13]
2Luis Berdún [13]
3Marcelo Campo [13]
4Marcelo R. Campo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16]
5Mohamed Fayad (Mohamed E. Fayad, M. E. Fayad) [3]
6Jane Pryor [5]
7Alvaro Soria [9] [16]
8Federico Trilnik [1] [3] [6] [8] [10]
9German L. Vazquez [15]
10Mario Zito [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)