
Jorge A. Pérez

Jorge Andrés Pérez

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8EEJorge A. Pérez, Camilo Rueda: Non-determinism and Probabilities in Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming. ICLP 2008: 677-681
7EEJesús Aranda, Jorge A. Pérez, Camilo Rueda, Frank D. Valencia: Stochastic Behavior and Explicit Discrete Time in Concurrent Constraint Programming. ICLP 2008: 682-686
6EEIvan Lanese, Jorge A. Pérez, Davide Sangiorgi, Alan Schmitt: On the Expressiveness and Decidability of Higher-Order Process Calculi. LICS 2008: 145-155
5EEJulian Gutiérrez, Jorge A. Pérez, Camilo Rueda, Frank D. Valencia: Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming for Analysing Biological Systems. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 171(2): 117-137 (2007)
4EEHugo A. López, Catuscia Palamidessi, Jorge Andrés Pérez, Camilo Rueda, Frank D. Valencia: A Declarative Framework for Security: Secure Concurrent Constraint Programming. ICLP 2006: 449-450
3EEAlberto Delgado, Jorge Andrés Pérez, Camilo Rueda: Implementing an Abstraction Framework for Soft Constraints. SARA 2005: 60-75
2EEAlberto Delgado, Carlos Alberto Olarte, Jorge Andrés Pérez, Camilo Rueda: Implementing Semiring-Based Constraints Using Mozart. MOZ 2004: 224-236
1EEAlberto Delgado, Jorge Andrés Pérez, Gustavo Pabón, Rafael Jordan, Juan Francisco Díaz, Camilo Rueda: An Interactive Tool for the Controlled Execution of an Automated Timetabling Constraint Engine. MOZ 2004: 317-327

Coauthor Index

1Jesús Aranda [7]
2Alberto Delgado [1] [2] [3]
3Juan Francisco Díaz [1]
4Julian Gutiérrez [5]
5Rafael Jordan [1]
6Ivan Lanese [6]
7Hugo A. López [4]
8Carlos Olarte (Carlos Alberto Olarte) [2]
9Gustavo Pabón [1]
10Catuscia Palamidessi [4]
11Camilo Rueda [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
12Davide Sangiorgi [6]
13Alan Schmitt [6]
14Frank D. Valencia (Frank Valencia) [4] [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)