
Fatih Ozgul

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4EEFatih Ozgul, Zeki Erdem, Chris Bowerman: Prediction of Unsolved Terrorist Attacks Using Group Detection Algorithms. PAISI 2009: 25-30
3EEFatih Ozgul, Zeki Erdem, Hakan Aksoy: Comparing Two Models for Terrorist Group Detection: GDM or OGDM?. ISI Workshops 2008: 149-160
2EEFatih Ozgul, Hakan Aksoy, Chris Bowerman: Theft Gang Discovery Using Co-offending Knowledge and SNA. IV 2008: 347-348
1EEFatih Ozgul, Julian Bondy, Hakan Aksoy: Mining for offender group detection and story of a police operation. AusDM 2007: 189-193

Coauthor Index

1Hakan Aksoy [1] [2] [3]
2Julian Bondy [1]
3Chris Bowerman [2] [4]
4Zeki Erdem [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)