
Kazuko Oyanagi

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3EESachiko Yoshihama, Takeo Yoshizawa, Yuji Watanabe, Michiharu Kudo, Kazuko Oyanagi: Dynamic Information Flow Control Architecture for Web Applications. ESORICS 2007: 267-282
2 Takashi Onoyama, Sen Kubota, Kazuko Oyanagi, Setsuo Tsuruta: Knowledge-Embedded Multi-Stage Genetic Algorithm for Interactively Optimizing a Large-Scale Distribution Network. FLAIRS Conference 2001: 166-170
1 Setsuo Tsuruta, Takashi Onoyama, Sen Kubota, Kazuko Oyanagi: Validation Method for Intelligent Systems. FLAIRS Conference 2000: 361-365

Coauthor Index

1Sen Kubota [1] [2]
2Michiharu Kudo [3]
3Takashi Onoyama [1] [2]
4Setsuo Tsuruta [1] [2]
5Yuji Watanabe [3]
6Sachiko Yoshihama [3]
7Takeo Yoshizawa [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)