
Avi Owshanko

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4EEKatherine Barabash, Ori Ben-Yitzhak, Irit Goft, Elliot K. Kolodner, Victor Leikehman, Yoav Ossia, Avi Owshanko, Erez Petrank: A parallel, incremental, mostly concurrent garbage collector for servers. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 27(6): 1097-1146 (2005)
3EEDmitry Gavinsky, Avi Owshanko: PExact = Exact Learning. COLT 2004: 200-209
2EEYoav Ossia, Ori Ben-Yitzhak, Irit Goft, Elliot K. Kolodner, Victor Leikehman, Avi Owshanko: A Parallel, Incremental and Concurrent GC for Servers. PLDI 2002: 129-140
1EENader H. Bshouty, Avi Owshanko: Learning Regular Sets with an Incomplete Membership Oracle. COLT/EuroCOLT 2001: 574-588

Coauthor Index

1Katherine Barabash [4]
2Ori Ben-Yitzhak [2] [4]
3Nader H. Bshouty [1]
4Dmitry Gavinsky [3]
5Irit Goft [2] [4]
6Elliot K. Kolodner [2] [4]
7Victor Leikehman [2] [4]
8Yoav Ossia [2] [4]
9Erez Petrank [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)