
Raphael Overbeck

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7EEKhaled Ouafi, Raphael Overbeck, Serge Vaudenay: On the Security of HB# against a Man-in-the-Middle Attack. ASIACRYPT 2008: 108-124
6EEKazukuni Kobara, Kirill Morozov, Raphael Overbeck: Coding-Based Oblivious Transfer. MMICS 2008: 142-156
5EEFalko Strenzke, Erik Tews, H. Gregor Molter, Raphael Overbeck, Abdulhadi Shoufan: Side Channels in the McEliece PKC. PQCrypto 2008: 216-229
4EERaphael Overbeck: Structural Attacks for Public Key Cryptosystems based on Gabidulin Codes. J. Cryptology 21(2): 280-301 (2008)
3EERaphael Overbeck: Statistical Decoding Revisited. ACISP 2006: 283-294
2EERaphael Overbeck: A New Structural Attack for GPT and Variants. Mycrypt 2005: 50-63
1EERaphael Overbeck: Extending Gibson's Attacks on the GPT Cryptosystem. WCC 2005: 178-188

Coauthor Index

1Kazukuni Kobara [6]
2H. Gregor Molter [5]
3Kirill Morozov [6]
4Khaled Ouafi [7]
5Abdulhadi Shoufan [5]
6Falko Strenzke [5]
7Erik Tews [5]
8Serge Vaudenay [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)