
Andrew Over

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4EEPeter E. Strazdins, Bill Clarke, Andrew Over: Efficient Cycle-Accurate Simulation of the Ultrasparc III CPU. ACSC 2007: 221-228
3EEAndrew Over, Bill Clarke, Peter E. Strazdins: A Comparison of Two Approaches to Parallel Simulation of Multiprocessors. ISPASS 2007: 12-22
2EELodewijk Bonebakker, Andrew Over, Ilya Sharapov: Working Set Characterization of Applications with an Efficient LRU Algorithm. EPEW 2006: 78-92
1EEAndrew Over, Peter E. Strazdins, Bill Clarke: Cycle Accurate Memory Modelling: A Case-Study in Validation. MASCOTS 2005: 85-96

Coauthor Index

1Lodewijk Bonebakker [2]
2Bill Clarke [1] [3] [4]
3Ilya Sharapov [2]
4Peter E. Strazdins [1] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)