
Yao Ouyang

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11EERadko Mesiar, Yao Ouyang: General Chebyshev type inequalities for Sugeno integrals. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 160(1): 58-64 (2009)
10EEHua-peng Zhang, Yao Ouyang, Zhudeng Wang: Note on "Generalized rough sets based on reflexive and transitive relations". Inf. Sci. 179(4): 471-473 (2009)
9EEYao Ouyang, Jinxuan Fang: Some results of weighted quasi-arithmetic mean of continuous triangular norms. Inf. Sci. 178(22): 4396-4402 (2008)
8EEYao Ouyang, Jinxuan Fang, Lishe Wang: Fuzzy Chebyshev type inequality. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 48(3): 829-835 (2008)
7EEYao Ouyang, Jinxuan Fang, Zhenjiang Zhao: A generalization of additive generator of triangular norms. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 49(2): 417-421 (2008)
6EEYao Ouyang, Jun Li, Jinxuan Fang: Further properties of reversible triangular norms. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 158(22): 2504-2509 (2007)
5EEYao Ouyang, Jinxuan Fang, Guiling Li: On the convex combination of TD and continuous triangular norms. Inf. Sci. 177(14): 2945-2953 (2007)
4EEYao Ouyang, Hongxia Sun, Jun Li: Some notes on V-homogeneity property of semiconormed fuzzy integrals. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157(11): 1572-1575 (2006)
3EEYao Ouyang, Jinxuan Fang, Jun Li: A conditionally cancellative left-continuous t-norm is not necessarily continuous. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157(17): 2328-2332 (2006)
2EEYao Ouyang, Jun Li: An answer to an open problem on triangular norms. Inf. Sci. 175(1-2): 78-84 (2005)
1EEYao Ouyang, Jun Li: A note on the monotone set functions defined by Choquet integral. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 146(1): 147-151 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Jinxuan Fang [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
2Guiling Li [5]
3Jun Li [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
4Radko Mesiar [11]
5Hongxia Sun [4]
6Lishe Wang [8]
7Zhudeng Wang [10]
8Hua-peng Zhang [10]
9Zhenjiang Zhao [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)