
Birgit Otto

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3EERoman Vilimek, Thomas Hempel, Birgit Otto: Multimodal Interfaces for In-Vehicle Applications. HCI (3) 2007: 216-224
2EEMichael Berger, Hubertus Hohl, A. Jarczyk, Birgit Otto, M. Schneider, Gerd Völksen: CoNus: Workspace-based Intuitive Collaboration in Virtual Enterprises. WETICE 1997: 3-9
1 Jean Schweitzer, Peter Witschital, Birgit Otto, Josef Burgard, Clemens Dietel: CLE: Cooperative learning in a distributed multi-media environment. Teleteaching 1993: 777-787

Coauthor Index

1Michael Berger [2]
2Josef Burgard [1]
3Clemens Dietel [1]
4Thomas Hempel [3]
5Hubertus Hohl [2]
6A. Jarczyk [2]
7M. Schneider [2]
8Jean Schweitzer [1]
9Roman Vilimek [3]
10Gerd Völksen [2]
11Peter Witschital [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)