
Gregory M. Oster

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8EEDouglas P. Konkin, Gregory M. Oster, Richard B. Bunt: Exploiting software interfaces for performance measurement. WOSP 1998: 208-218
7 Gregory M. Oster, Anthony J. Kusalik: Icola - Incremental Constraint-Based Graphics for Visualization. Constraints 3(1): 33-59 (1998)
6EEGregory M. Oster, Richard B. Bunt: Using shim technology to monitor DCE runtime performance. CASCON 1997: 20
5EEYing Sun, Richard B. Bunt, Gregory M. Oster: Measuring RPC Traffic in an OS/2 DCE Environment. MASCOTS 1997: 51-54
4 Michael A. Bauer, Richard B. Bunt, Asham El Rayess, Patrick J. Finnigan, Thomas Kunz, Hanan Lutfiyya, Andrew D. Marshall, Patrick Martin, Gregory M. Oster, Wendy Powley, Jerome A. Rolia, David J. Taylor, C. Murray Woodside: Services Supporting Management of Distributed Applications and Systems. IBM Systems Journal 36(4): 508-526 (1997)
3EEYing Sun, Rick Bunt, Gregory M. Oster: Measurements of DCE RPC performance in an OS/2 environment. CASCON 1996: 36
2 Anthony J. Kusalik, Gregory M. Oster: Towards Generalized Visualization Support for Logic Programming. ICLP 1993: 844
1 Anthony J. Kusalik, Gregory M. Oster: A Constraint-Based Declarative Display Description Language for Visualization. LPE 1993: 59-67

Coauthor Index

1Michael A. Bauer [4]
2Richard B. Bunt [4] [5] [6] [8]
3Rick Bunt [3]
4Patrick J. Finnigan [4]
5Douglas P. Konkin [8]
6Thomas Kunz [4]
7Anthony J. Kusalik [1] [2] [7]
8Hanan Lutfiyya (Hanan Lutfi Lutfiyya) [4]
9Andrew D. Marshall [4]
10Patrick Martin (T. Patrick Martin) [4]
11Wendy Powley [4]
12Asham El Rayess [4]
13Jerome A. Rolia (Jerry Rolia) [4]
14Ying Sun [3] [5]
15David J. Taylor [4]
16C. Murray Woodside [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)