
Genevieve B. Orr

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12 Genevieve B. Orr, Klaus-Robert Müller: Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade, this book is an outgrowth of a 1996 NIPS workshop Springer 1998
11EEGenevieve B. Orr: Removing Noise in On-Line Search using Adaptive Batch Sizes. NIPS 1996: 232-238
10EEGenevieve B. Orr, Todd K. Leen: Using Curvature Information for Fast Stochastic Search. NIPS 1996: 606-612
9EEGenevieve B. Orr, Klaus-Robert Müller: Introduction. Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade 1996: 1-5
8EEGenevieve B. Orr, Klaus-Robert Müller: Improving Network Models and Algorithmic Tricks: Preface. Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade 1996: 141-144
7EEGenevieve B. Orr, Klaus-Robert Müller: Representing and Incorporating Prior Knowledge in Neural Network Training: Preface. Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade 1996: 235-238
6EEGenevieve B. Orr, Klaus-Robert Müller: Tricks for Time Series: Preface. Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade 1996: 343-346
5EEGenevieve B. Orr, Klaus-Robert Müller: Regularization Techniques to Improve Generalization: Preface. Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade 1996: 51-54
4EEGenevieve B. Orr, Klaus-Robert Müller: Speeding Learning: Preface. Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade 1996: 7-8
3EEYann LeCun, Léon Bottou, Genevieve B. Orr, Klaus-Robert Müller: Effiicient BackProp. Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade 1996: 9-50
2EETodd K. Leen, Genevieve B. Orr: Optimal Stochastic Search and Adaptive Momentum. NIPS 1993: 477-484
1EEGenevieve B. Orr, Todd K. Leen: Weight Space Probability Densities in Stochastic Learning: II. Transients and Basin Hopping Times. NIPS 1992: 507-514

Coauthor Index

1Léon Bottou [3]
2Yann LeCun [3]
3Todd K. Leen [1] [2] [10]
4Klaus-Robert Müller [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [12]

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