
Viviane Moreira Orengo

Viviane Pereira Moreira, Viviane Moreira

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10EEJuliana Bonato dos Santos, Carlos A. Heuser, Viviane Moreira Orengo, Leandro Krug Wives: Automatic Threshold Estimation for Data Matching Applications. SBBD 2008: 106-119
9EECarina F. Dorneles, Carlos A. Heuser, Viviane Moreira Orengo, Altigran Soares da Silva, Edleno Silva de Moura: A strategy for allowing meaningful and comparable scores in approximate matching. CIKM 2007: 303-312
8EECarlos A. Heuser, Francisco N. A. Krieser, Viviane Moreira Orengo: SimEval - A Tool for Evaluating the Quality of Similarity Functions. ER (Tutorials, Posters, Panels & Industrial Contributions) 2007: 71-76
7EEViviane Moreira Orengo, Luciana S. Buriol, Alexandre Ramos Coelho: A Study on the Use of Stemming for Monolingual Ad-Hoc Portuguese Information Retrieval. CLEF 2006: 91-98
6EEViviane Moreira Orengo, Christian R. Huyck: Relevance feedback and cross-language information retrieval. Inf. Process. Manage. 42(5): 1203-1217 (2006)
5EEChristian R. Huyck, Viviane Moreira Orengo: Information Retrieval and Categorisation using a Cell Assembly Network. Neural Computing and Applications 14(4): 282-289 (2005)
4EEViviane Moreira, Christian Huyuck: Portuguese-English Experiments Using Latent Semantic Indexing. CLEF 2002: 147-154
3 Viviane Moreira Orengo, Christian R. Huyck: A Stemming Algorithmm for the Portuguese Language. SPIRE 2001: 186-193
2EEViviane Pereira Moreira, Nina Edelweiss: Schema Versioning: Queries to the Generalized Temporal Database System. DEXA Workshop 1999: 458-459
1 Viviane Pereira Moreira, Nina Edelweiss: Queries to Temporal Databases Supporting Schema Versioning. SBBD 1999: 299-313

Coauthor Index

1Luciana S. Buriol [7]
2Alexandre Ramos Coelho [7]
3Carina F. Dorneles [9]
4Nina Edelweiss [1] [2]
5Carlos A. Heuser [8] [9] [10]
6Christian R. Huyck [3] [5] [6]
7Christian Huyuck [4]
8Francisco N. A. Krieser [8]
9Edleno Silva de Moura [9]
10Juliana Bonato dos Santos [10]
11Altigran Soares da Silva [9]
12Leandro Krug Wives [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)