
Sarp Oral

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8EEWeikuan Yu, Sarp Oral, Shane Canon, Jeffrey S. Vetter, Ramanan Sankaran: Empirical Analysis of a Large-Scale Hierarchical Storage System. Euro-Par 2008: 130-140
7EEWeikuan Yu, Jeffrey S. Vetter, Sarp Oral: Performance characterization and optimization of parallel I/O on the Cray XT. IPDPS 2008: 1-11
6EESarp Oral, Alan D. George: Multicast performance modeling and evaluation for high-speed unidirectional torus networks. Microprocessors and Microsystems 28(9): 477-489 (2004)
5EESarp Oral, Alan D. George: A User-level Multicast Performance Comparison of Scalable Coherent Interface and Myrinet Interconnects. LCN 2003: 518-527
4EEIan A. Troxel, Alan D. George, Sarp Oral: Design and Analysis of a Dynamically Reconfigurable Network Processor. LCN 2002: 483-494
3EESarp Oral, Alan D. George: Multicast Performance Analysis for High-Speed Torus Networks. LCN 2002: 619-628
2EESarp Millich, Alan D. George, Sarp Oral: A Comparative Throughput Analysis of Scalable Coherent Interface and Myrinet. LCN 2002: 691-702
1EEJ. Meier, S. Kim, Alan D. George, Sarp Oral: Gigabit COTS Ethernet Switch Evaluation for Avionics. LCN 2002: 739-742

Coauthor Index

1Shane Canon [8]
2Alan D. George [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3S. Kim [1]
4J. Meier [1]
5Sarp Millich [2]
6Ramanan Sankaran [8]
7Ian A. Troxel [4]
8Jeffrey S. Vetter [7] [8]
9Weikuan Yu [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)