
Zuzana Oplatková

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8EEZuzana Oplatková, Ivan Zelinka: Higher Dimensional Cost Function for Synthesis of Evolutionary Algorithms by means of Symbolic Regression. Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2008: 486-491
7EEIvan Zelinka, Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Oplatková: Performance Comparison of Evolutionary Algorithms in the Task of Optimization of Chaos Control. DEXA Workshops 2008: 514-518
6EEIvan Zelinka, Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Oplatková: Evolutionary Synthesis of Complex Structures. DEXA Workshops 2008: 537-543
5EEZuzana Oplatková, Jiri Holoska, Ivan Zelinka, Roman Senkerik: Steganography Detection by Means of Neural Networks. DEXA Workshops 2008: 571-575
4EEIvan Zelinka, Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Oplatková: Evolutionary Scanning and Neural Network Optimization. DEXA Workshops 2008: 576-582
3EEZuzana Oplatková, Ivan Zelinka: Santa Fe Trail for Artificial Ant with Analytic Programming and Three Evolutionary Algorithms. Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2007: 334-339
2EEZuzana Oplatková, Ivan Zelinka: Symbolic regression and evolutionary computation in setting an optimal trajectory for a robot. DEXA Workshops 2007: 168-172
1EEZuzana Oplatková, Ivan Zelinka: Investigation on artificial ant using analytic programming. GECCO 2006: 949-950

Coauthor Index

1Jiri Holoska [5]
2Roman Senkerik [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Ivan Zelinka [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

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