
Akira K. Onoma

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12EEChris Germano, Taehyung Wang, Akira K. Onoma: Framework and Network Based Multimedia Object Management Environment. ISM 2005: 328-336
11EETsuneo Yamaura, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Akira K. Onoma: A New Defining Approach for Software Requirement Specifications. WSTFEUS 2003: 13-16
10EETsuneo Yamaura, Akira K. Onoma, Wei-Tek Tsai: Hypothesis Testing for Module Test in Software Development. COMPSAC 2002: 829-834
9EETsuneo Yamaura, Akira K. Onoma: University Software Education Matched to Social Requests. CW 2002: 331-338
8EEGeorge T. Wang, Fei Xie, F. Tsunoda, H. Maezawa, Akira K. Onoma: Web Search with Personalization and Knowledge. ISMSE 2002: 90-97
7EES. Ohara, F. Tsunoda, H. Maezawa, Akira K. Onoma, M. Hui, Taehyung Wang, Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, Raymond A. Paul: A Software Test and Evaluation Environment Based on Longitudinal Database. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 12(3): 223-244 (2002)
6EEAkira K. Onoma: Evaluation of Object-Orientation for Industrial Usage. COMPSAC 1998: 647-648
5 Akira K. Onoma, Wei-Tek Tsai, Mustafa H. Poonawala, Hiroshi Suganuma: Regression Testing in an Industrial Environment. Commun. ACM 41(5): 81-86 (1998)
4EEAkira K. Onoma, Mutsumi Komuro, Hiroshi Suganuma, Akefumi Kumeta, Tsutomu Syomura: Management of Object Oriented Development based on Ranked Use Cases. COMPSAC 1997: 246-251
3 Sourav Bhattacharya, Akira K. Onoma, Farokh B. Bastani: High-Assurance Systems (Introduction to the Special Section). Commun. ACM 40(1): 67 (1997)
2EEAkira K. Onoma, Hiroshi Suganuma, Mustafa H. Poonawala, Satish Subramanian, Wei-Tek Tsai, Tsutomu Syomura: Opusdei-Integrated Environment for Software Development and Maintenance. COMPSAC 1996: 516-521
1EEAkira K. Onoma, Tsuneo Yamaura: Practical Steps Toward Quality Development. IEEE Software 12(5): 68-77 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Farokh B. Bastani [3]
2Sourav Bhattacharya [3]
3Chris Germano [12]
4M. Hui [7]
5Mutsumi Komuro [4]
6Akefumi Kumeta [4]
7H. Maezawa [7] [8]
8Hiroshi Miyazaki [11]
9S. Ohara [7]
10Raymond A. Paul [7]
11Mustafa H. Poonawala [2] [5]
12Phillip C.-Y. Sheu (Phillip Chen-Yu Sheu) [7]
13Satish Subramanian [2]
14Hiroshi Suganuma [2] [4] [5]
15Tsutomu Syomura [2] [4]
16Wei-Tek Tsai [2] [5] [10]
17F. Tsunoda [7] [8]
18George T. Wang [8]
19Taehyung Wang [7] [12]
20Fei Xie [8]
21Tsuneo Yamaura [1] [9] [10] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)