
Borys Omelayenko

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23EEGuus Schreiber, Alia K. Amin, Lora Aroyo, Mark van Assem, Viktor de Boer, Lynda Hardman, Michiel Hildebrand, Borys Omelayenko, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Anna Tordai, Jan Wielemaker, Bob J. Wielinga: Semantic annotation and search of cultural-heritage collections: The MultimediaN E-Culture demonstrator. J. Web Sem. 6(4): 243-249 (2008)
22EEAnna Tordai, Borys Omelayenko, Guus Schreiber: Thesaurus and metadata alignment for a semantic e-culture application. K-CAP 2007: 199-200
21EEAnna Tordai, Borys Omelayenko, Guus Schreiber: Semantic Excavation of the City of Books. SAAKM 2007
20EEGuus Schreiber, Alia K. Amin, Mark van Assem, Viktor de Boer, Lynda Hardman, Michiel Hildebrand, Laura Hollink, Zhisheng Huang, Janneke van Kersen, Marco de Niet, Borys Omelayenko, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Ronny Siebes, Jos Taekema, Jan Wielemaker, Bob J. Wielinga: MultimediaN E-Culture Demonstrator. International Semantic Web Conference 2006: 951-958
19EEZiv Baida, Jaap Gordijn, Borys Omelayenko: A shared service terminology for online service provisioning. ICEC 2004: 1-10
18 Ying Ding, Dieter Fensel, Michel C. A. Klein, Borys Omelayenko, Ellen Schulten: The Role of Ontologies in eCommerce. Handbook on Ontologies 2004: 593-616
17 Borys Omelayenko, Michel C. A. Klein: Knowledge Transformation for the Semantic Web IOS Press 2003
16 Borys Omelayenko, Monica Crubézy, Dieter Fensel, V. Richard Benjamins, Bob J. Wielinga, Enrico Motta, Mark A. Musen, Ying Ding: UPML: The Language and Tool Support for Making the Semantic Web Alive. Spinning the Semantic Web 2003: 141-170
15 Borys Omelayenko: RDFT: A Mapping Meta-Ontology for Web Service Integration. Knowledge Transformation for the Semantic Web 2003: 137-153
14EEBorys Omelayenko: Ontology-Mediated Business Integration. EKAW 2002: 264-269
13 Ying Ding, Maksym Korotkiy, Borys Omelayenko, Vera Kartseva, Volodymyr Zykov, Michel C. A. Klein, Ellen Schulten, Dieter Fensel: GoldenBullet in a Nutshell. FLAIRS Conference 2002: 403-407
12 Borys Omelayenko, Dieter Fensel, Christoph Bussler: Mapping Technology for Enterprise Integration. FLAIRS Conference 2002: 419-424
11EEBorys Omelayenko: Integrating Vocabularies: Discovering and Representing Vocabulary Maps. International Semantic Web Conference 2002: 206-220
10EEYing Ding, Dieter Fensel, Michel C. A. Klein, Borys Omelayenko: The semantic web: yet another hip? Data Knowl. Eng. 41(2-3): 205-227 (2002)
9 Borys Omelayenko: Preliminary Ontology Modeling for B2B Content Integration. DEXA Workshop 2001: 7-13
8 Borys Omelayenko, Dieter Fensel: An Analysis of Integration Problems of XML-Based Catalogs for B2B Electronic Commerce. DS-9 2001: 221-235
7EEBorys Omelayenko, Dieter Fensel: A Two-Layered Integration Approach for Product Information in B2B E-commerce. EC-Web 2001: 226-239
6 Borys Omelayenko: Syntactic-Level Ontology Integration Rules for E-Commerce. FLAIRS Conference 2001: 324-328
5 Borys Omelayenko, Dieter Fensel: An Analysis of B2B Catalogue Integration Problems. ICEIS (2) 2001: 945-952
4EEBorys Omelayenko: Ontology Integration Tasks in Business-to-Business E-Commerce. IEA/AIE 2001: 119-124
3EEDieter Fensel, Ying Ding, Borys Omelayenko, Ellen Schulten, Guy Botquin, Mike Brown, Alan Flett: Product Data Integration in B2B E-Commerce. IEEE Intelligent Systems 16(4): 54-59 (2001)
2EEBorys Omelayenko: Integration of product ontologies for B2B marketplaces: a preview. SIGecom Exchanges 2(1): 19-25 (2001)
1 Helen Kaikova, Vagan Y. Terziyan, Borys Omelayenko: Recognizing bounds of context change in on-line learning. IRMA Conference 2000: 236-239

Coauthor Index

1Alia Amin (Alia K. Amin) [20] [23]
2Lora Aroyo [23]
3Mark van Assem [20] [23]
4Ziv Baida [19]
5V. Richard Benjamins [16]
6Viktor de Boer [20] [23]
7Guy Botquin [3]
8Mike Brown [3]
9Christoph Bussler [12]
10Monica Crubézy [16]
11Ying Ding [3] [10] [13] [16] [18]
12Dieter Fensel [3] [5] [7] [8] [10] [12] [13] [16] [18]
13Alan Flett [3]
14Jaap Gordijn [19]
15Lynda Hardman [20] [23]
16Michiel Hildebrand [20] [23]
17Laura Hollink [20]
18Zhisheng Huang [20]
19Helen Kaikova [1]
20Vera Kartseva [13]
21Janneke van Kersen [20]
22Michel C. A. Klein [10] [13] [17] [18]
23Maksym Korotkiy [13]
24Enrico Motta [16]
25Mark A. Musen [16]
26Marco de Niet [20]
27Jacco van Ossenbruggen [20] [23]
28Guus Schreiber (A. Th. Schreiber) [20] [21] [22] [23]
29Ellen Schulten [3] [13] [18]
30Ronny Siebes [20]
31Jos Taekema [20]
32Vagan Y. Terziyan [1]
33Anna Tordai [21] [22] [23]
34Jan Wielemaker [20] [23]
35Bob J. Wielinga [16] [20] [23]
36Volodymyr Zykov [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)