
Peter J. Olver

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12EEJeongoo Cheh, Peter J. Olver, Juha Pohjanpelto: Algorithms for Differential Invariants of Symmetry Groups of Differential Equations. Foundations of Computational Mathematics 8(4): 501-532 (2008)
11EEMartin Welk, Pilwon Kim, Peter J. Olver: Numerical Invariantization for Morphological PDE Schemes. SSVM 2007: 508-519
10 Hongbo Li, Peter J. Olver, Gerald Sommer: Computer Algebra and Geometric Algebra with Applications, 6th International Workshop, IWMM 2004, Shanghai, China, May 19-21, 2004, and International Workshop, GIAE 2004, Xian, China, May 24-28, 2004, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2005
9EEPeter J. Olver: A Survey of Moving Frames. IWMM/GIAE 2004: 105-138
8EEPeter J. Olver: Moving frames. J. Symb. Comput. 36(3-4): 501-512 (2003)
7EEDebra Lewis, Peter J. Olver: Geometric Integration Algorithms on Homogeneous Manifolds. Foundations of Computational Mathematics 2(4): 363-392 (2002)
6EEPeter J. Olver: Geometric Foundations of Numerical Algorithms and Symmetry. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 11(5): 417-436 (2001)
5EEPeter J. Olver: Joint Invariant Signatures. Foundations of Computational Mathematics 1(1): 3-68 (2001)
4EEEugenio Calabi, Peter J. Olver, Chehrzad Shakiban, Allen Tannenbaum, Steven Haker: Differential and Numerically Invariant Signature Curves Applied to Object Recognition. International Journal of Computer Vision 26(2): 107-135 (1998)
3 Anthony J. Yezzi, Satyanad Kichenassamy, Arun Kumar, Peter J. Olver, Allen Tannenbaum: A Geometric Snake Model for Segmentation of Medical Imagery. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 16(2): 199-209 (1997)
2EEPeter J. Olver, Guillermo Sapiro, Allen Tannenbaum: Affine Invariant Detection: Edges, Active Contours, and Segments. CVPR 1996: 520-525
1EESatyanad Kichenassamy, Arun Kumar, Peter J. Olver, Allen Tannenbaum, Anthony J. Yezzi: Gradient Flows and Geometric Active Contour Models. ICCV 1995: 810-815

Coauthor Index

1Eugenio Calabi [4]
2Jeongoo Cheh [12]
3Steven Haker [4]
4Satyanad Kichenassamy [1] [3]
5Pilwon Kim [11]
6Arun Kumar [1] [3]
7Debra Lewis [7]
8Hongbo Li [10]
9Juha Pohjanpelto [12]
10Guillermo Sapiro [2]
11Chehrzad Shakiban [4]
12Gerald Sommer [10]
13Allen Tannenbaum [1] [2] [3] [4]
14Martin Welk [11]
15Anthony J. Yezzi (Anthony J. Yezzi Jr.) [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)