
Mark E. Olszewski

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7EEAndreas Wahle, John J. Lopez, Mark E. Olszewski, Sarah C. Vigmostad, Krishnan B. Chandran, James D. Rossen, Milan Sonka: Analysis of the Interdependencies Among Plaque Development, Vessel Curvature, and Wall Shear Stress in Coronary Arteries. FIMH 2005: 12-22
6 Mark E. Olszewski, Andreas Wahle, Steven C. Mitchell, Milan Sonka: Segmentation of intravascular ultrasound images: a machine learning approach mimicking human vision. CARS 2004: 1045-1049
5 Andreas Wahle, Mark E. Olszewski, Sarah C. Vigmostad, Kathleen Braddy, Theresa Brennan, James D. Rossen, Krishnan B. Chandran, Milan Sonka, Rubén Medina, A. Coskun, Charles Feldman, Peter Stone: Quantitative Analysis of Circumferential Plaque Distribution in Human Coronary Arteries in Relation to Local Vessel Curvature. ISBI 2004: 531-534
4EEAndreas Wahle, Mark E. Olszewski, Milan Sonka: Interactive virtual endoscopy in coronary arteries based on multimodality fusion. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 23(11): 1391-1403 (2004)
3 Mark E. Olszewski, Andreas Wahle, Rubén Medina, Steven C. Mitchell, Milan Sonka: Integrated system for quantitative analysis of coronary plaque via data fusion of biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasound. CARS 2003: 1117-1122
2EERubén Medina, Andreas Wahle, Mark E. Olszewski, Milan Sonka: Volumetric quantification of coronary arteries reconstructed by fusion between intravascular ultrasound and biplane angiography. ISBI 2002: 891-894
1EEMark E. Olszewski, Ryan M. Long, Steven C. Mitchell, Andreas Wahle, Milan Sonka: Quantitative Measurements in Geometrically Correct Representations of Coronary Vessels in 3-D and 4-D. SSIAI 2000: 259-263

Coauthor Index

1Kathleen Braddy [5]
2Theresa Brennan [5]
3Krishnan B. Chandran [5] [7]
4A. Coskun [5]
5Charles Feldman [5]
6Ryan M. Long [1]
7John J. Lopez [7]
8Rubén Medina [2] [3] [5]
9Steven C. Mitchell [1] [3] [6]
10James D. Rossen [5] [7]
11Milan Sonka [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
12Peter Stone [5]
13Sarah C. Vigmostad [5] [7]
14Andreas Wahle [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)