
Pedro Paulo Balbi de Oliveira

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6EECarmen L. R. Santos, Pedro Paulo Balbi de Oliveira, Phil Husbands: Three Case Studies of the Gasnet Model in Discrete Domains. Int. J. Neural Syst. 11(3): 295-304 (2001)
5EECarmen L. R. Santos, Celso R. Souza, Pedro Paulo Balbi de Oliveira, Phil Husbands: Using the GasNet Model in Discrete Domains. SBRN 2000: 231-236
4EEPhil Husbands, Pedro Paulo Balbi de Oliveira: An Evolutionary Approach in Quantitative Spectroscopy. SEAL 1998: 268-275
3 Pedro Paulo Balbi de Oliveira: A Simple, Multi-Architecture, Parallel Procedure for Generating Combinations. PaCT 1997: 400-401
2 Pedro Paulo Balbi de Oliveira, Fernando M. Ramos, R. C. Gatto, Haroldo F. de Campos Velho, Stephan Stephany, P. L. K. G. Navarro, Phil Husbands, Inman Harvey: A Research Agenda for Iterative Approaches to Inverse Problems Using Evolutionary Computation. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1996: 55-60
1 Pedro Paulo Balbi de Oliveira: Simulation of Exaptive Behaviour. PPSN 1994: 354-364

Coauthor Index

1R. C. Gatto [2]
2Inman Harvey [2]
3Phil Husbands (Philip Husbands) [2] [4] [5] [6]
4P. L. K. G. Navarro [2]
5Fernando M. Ramos [2]
6Carmen L. R. Santos [5] [6]
7Celso R. Souza [5]
8Stephan Stephany [2]
9Haroldo F. de Campos Velho [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)