
Tohru Okuyama

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4EETomoaki Oida, Tohru Okuyama, Marion R. Finley Jr.: A Security Gateway System for Medical Communication Networks Inter-Hospital Use of the Secure Socket Layer. ICAS/ICNS 2005: 35
3EEZheng Guo, Tohru Okuyama, Marion R. Finley Jr.: A New Trust Model for PKI Interoperability. ICAS/ICNS 2005: 37
2 S. Kimura, M. Takahashi, Tohru Okuyama, Seiji Tsuchiya, Y. Suzuki: A fault-tolerant control algorithm having a decentralized autonomous architecture for space hyper-redundant manipulators. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 28(4): 521-527 (1998)
1EEHidetsugu Abe, Tohru Okuyama, Iwao Fujiwara, Shin-ichi Sasaki: A computer program for generation of constitutionally isomeric structural formulas. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 24(4): 220-229 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Hidetsugu Abe [1]
2Marion R. Finley Jr. [3] [4]
3Iwao Fujiwara [1]
4Zheng Guo [3]
5S. Kimura [2]
6Tomoaki Oida [4]
7Shin-ichi Sasaki [1]
8Y. Suzuki [2]
9M. Takahashi [2]
10Seiji Tsuchiya [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)