
Yoshikuni Okawa

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6 Yoshikuni Okawa, Yasukazu Toteno, Bi Kai: Real-Time Control of a Pipelined Multicomputer for the Relational Database Join Operation. ICPP 1993: 336-339
5 Yoshikuni Okawa, Jun Aoki: Fuzzy Control of a Mobile Robot for the Push-a-Box Operation. ICTAI 1992: 172-179
4EEYoshikuni Okawa, Naoki Haraguchi: A linear array of processors with partially shared memory for parallel solution of PDE. SC 1990: 41-48
3EEYoshikuni Okawa: A structural analysis of visual form on packaging graphics and its use in an automated design system. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 43(2): 265-278 (1988)
2EEYoshikuni Okawa: Automatic inspection of the surface defects of cast metals. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 25(1): 89-112 (1984)
1EEYoshikuni Okawa: A microcomputer system for color video picture processing. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1982: 713-718

Coauthor Index

1Jun Aoki [5]
2Naoki Haraguchi [4]
3Bi Kai [6]
4Yasukazu Toteno [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)