
Hidehiko Okabe

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3EEShigeru Inui, Kaori Hara, Hidehiko Okabe, Tomoe Masuda: Isomorphic Mesh of Human Body Surface for Computerized Apparel Design. Computational Textile 2007: 129-146
2EEHidehiko Okabe, Haruki Imaoka, Takako Tomiha, Haruo Niwaya: Three dimensional apparel CAD system. SIGGRAPH 1992: 105-110
1 Hidehiko Okabe: Formal Expresions of Infinite Graphs and Their Families Information and Control 44(2): 164-186 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Kaori Hara [3]
2Haruki Imaoka [2]
3Shigeru Inui [3]
4Tomoe Masuda [3]
5Haruo Niwaya [2]
6Takako Tomiha [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)