
George C. Oikonomou

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5EEGeorge C. Oikonomou, Theodore K. Apostolopoulos: Web-Based Management of Content Delivery Networks. DSOM 2008: 42-54
4EEMohit Mehta, Kanika Thapar, George C. Oikonomou, Jelena Mirkovic: Combining Speak-Up with DefCOM for Improved DDoS Defense. ICC 2008: 1708-1714
3EEGeorge C. Oikonomou, Jelena Mirkovic, Peter L. Reiher, Max Robinson: A Framework for a Collaborative DDoS Defense. ACSAC 2006: 33-42
2EETheodore K. Apostolopoulos, Ilias S. Kapetanakis, George C. Oikonomou: An Architecture for the Management of Smart Cards by Mobile Devices Using Java Technologies. CEC 2005: 527-530
1 Theodore K. Apostolopoulos, George C. Oikonomou: A scalable, extensible framework for grid management. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2004: 12-17

Coauthor Index

1Theodore K. Apostolopoulos [1] [2] [5]
2Ilias S. Kapetanakis [2]
3Mohit Mehta [4]
4Jelena Mirkovic [3] [4]
5Peter L. Reiher [3]
6Max Robinson [3]
7Kanika Thapar [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)