
Hideomi Ohtsubo

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3EEKatsuyuki Suzuki, Hideomi Ohtsubo, Masashi Naito: Distributed Optimization of Structure Using Massively Parallel Computer. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 1(1): 81-90 (2000)
2 Jim Butler, Hideomi Ohtsubo: A Distributed Problem Solving Based Model for Shipyard Scheduling. Computer Applications in the Automation of Shipyard Operation and Ship Design 1991: 313-322
1EEJim Butler, Hideomi Ohtsubo: A Parallel Logic Programming Approach to Combinatorial Optimization in Design. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1990: 848-853

Coauthor Index

1Jim Butler [1] [2]
2Masashi Naito [3]
3Katsuyuki Suzuki [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)