
Toru Ohira

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6EEYukinori Tonosaki, Toru Ohira, Shigeru Tajima: Balancing the sticks with fluctuation and delay: Human vs Machine. FOCI 2007: 95-99
5EEToru Ohira: Toward encryption with neural network analogy. ESANN 2000: 147-152
4EEToru Ohira: Neural Network Model with Delay toward Encryption. IJCNN (5) 2000: 417-424
3EEToru Ohira, Yuzuru Sato, Jack D. Cowan: Resonance in a Stochastic Neuron Model with Delayed Interaction. NIPS 1999: 314-320
2 Toru Ohira, Ryusuke Sawatari, Mario Tokoro: Distributed Interaction with Computon. MAAMAW 1996: 149-162
1EEToru Ohira, Jack D. Cowan: Stochastic Dynamics of Three-State Neural Networks. NIPS 1994: 271-278

Coauthor Index

1Jack D. Cowan [1] [3]
2Yuzuru Sato [3]
3Ryusuke Sawatari [2]
4Shigeru Tajima [6]
5Mario Tokoro [2]
6Yukinori Tonosaki [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)