
Hyun-Hwa Oh

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6EESung-Kun Jang, Jung-Hwan Shin, Hyun-Hwa Oh, Seung Ick Jang, Sung-Il Chien: Robust Character Segmentation System for Korean Printed Postal Images. IEA/AIE 2005: 82-84
5EEHyun-Hwa Oh, Kil-Taek Lim, Sung-Il Chien: An improved binarization algorithm based on a water flow model for document image with inhomogeneous backgrounds. Pattern Recognition 38(12): 2612-2625 (2005)
4EEHyun-Hwa Oh, Sung-Il Chien: Improvement of Binarization Method Using a Water Flow Model for Document Images with Complex Backgrounds. PRICAI 2004: 812-822
3EEHyun-Hwa Oh, Hong-Seok Kwon, Jong-Mok Son, Keun-Sung Bae, Sung-Il Chien: Endpoint Detection of Isolated Korean Utterances for Bimodal Speech Recognition in Acoustic Noisy Environments. ISMIS 2003: 585-592
2EEHyun-Hwa Oh, Young-Mi Jeoun, Sung-Il Chien: A Set of Mesh Features for Automatic Visual Speech Recognition. MVA 2002: 488-491
1EEHyun-Hwa Oh, Sung-Il Chien: Exact corner location using attentional generalized symmetry transform. Pattern Recognition Letters 23(11): 1361-1372 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Keun-Sung Bae [3]
2Sung-Il Chien [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Seung Ick Jang [6]
4Sung-Kun Jang [6]
5Young-Mi Jeoun [2]
6Hong-Seok Kwon [3]
7Kil-Taek Lim [5]
8Jung-Hwan Shin [6]
9Jong-Mok Son [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)