
Hayoung Oh

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6EEHayoung Oh, Kibaek Yoo, Jongkeun Na, Chongkwon Kim: A seamless handover scheme in IPv6-based mobile networks. IJAHUC 4(1): 54-60 (2009)
5EEHayoung Oh, Kijoon Chae: An Abnormal Area Scanning for Scalable and Energy-Efficient and Secure SensorNet Management. MUE 2008: 592-596
4EEHayoung Oh, Kijoon Chae: A secure and delay-efficient scheme for NetLMM. Mobility Conference 2008: 62
3EEHayoung Oh, Kijoon Chae: An Energy-Efficient Sensor Routing with low latency, scalability in Wireless Sensor Networks. MUE 2007: 147-152
2EEHayoung Oh, Kibaek Yoo, Chong-kwon Kim, Woo-Jin Yang, Tae-il Kim, Hae-won Jung: An Enhanced Fast Handover Scheme with Temporal Reuse of CoAs and PBP in IPv6-Based Mobile Networks. MUE 2007: 183-189
1EEHayoung Oh, Jiyoung Lim, Kijoon Chae, Jungchan Nah: Home Gateway with Automated Real-Time Intrusion Detection for Secure Home Networks. ICCSA (4) 2006: 440-447

Coauthor Index

1Kijoon Chae (Ki-Joon Chae) [1] [3] [4] [5]
2Hae-won Jung [2]
3Chong-kwon Kim (Chongkwon Kim) [2] [6]
4Tae-il Kim [2]
5Jiyoung Lim [1]
6Jongkeun Na [6]
7Jungchan Nah [1]
8Woo-Jin Yang [2]
9Kibaek Yoo [2] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)