
Karina Oertel

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5EEMarleen Vanhauer, Karina Oertel, Jörg Voskamp: Overcoming the Language Barrier: The Potential of the Visual Language LoCoS in International Human-Computer Communication. HCI (11) 2007: 527-536
4EEKarina Oertel, Robin Kaiser, Jörg Voskamp, Bodo Urban: AFFectIX - An Affective Component as Part of an E-Learning-System. HCI (16) 2007: 385-393
3EEHolger Diener, Karina Oertel: Experimental Approach to Affective Interaction in Games. Edutainment 2006: 507-518
2EEKarina Oertel, Gösta Fischer, Holger Diener: Physiological Response to Games and Non-games: A Contrastive Study. ICEC 2004: 402-405
1EEKarina Oertel, Oliver Hein: Identification of Web Usability Problems and Interaction Patterns with the RealEYES-iAnalyzer. DSV-IS 2003: 77-91

Coauthor Index

1Holger Diener [2] [3]
2Gösta Fischer [2]
3Oliver Hein [1]
4Robin Kaiser [4]
5Bodo Urban [4]
6Marleen Vanhauer [5]
7Jörg Voskamp [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)