
Matthias Odisio

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3EEVirginie Attina, Denis Beautemps, Marie-Agnès Cathiard, Matthias Odisio: A pilot study of temporal organization in Cued Speech production of French syllables: rules for a Cued Speech synthesizer. Speech Communication 44(1-4): 197-214 (2004)
2EEMatthias Odisio, Gérard Bailly, Frédéric Elisei: Tracking talking faces with shape and appearance models. Speech Communication 44(1-4): 63-82 (2004)
1EEMatthias Odisio, Gérard Bailly: Shape and appearance models of talking faces for model-based tracking. AMFG 2003: 143-148

Coauthor Index

1Virginie Attina [3]
2Gérard Bailly [1] [2]
3Denis Beautemps [3]
4Marie-Agnès Cathiard [3]
5Frédéric Elisei [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)