
Jon Oberheide

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5EEJon Oberheide, Evan Cooke, Farnam Jahanian: CloudAV: N-Version Antivirus in the Network Cloud. USENIX Security Symposium 2008: 91-106
4EEJon Oberheide, Manish Karir, Zhuoqing Morley Mao: Characterizing Dark DNS Behavior. DIMVA 2007: 140-156
3EEMichael Bailey, Jon Oberheide, Jon Andersen, Zhuoqing Morley Mao, Farnam Jahanian, Jose Nazario: Automated Classification and Analysis of Internet Malware. RAID 2007: 178-197
2EEJon Oberheide, Michael Goff, Manish Karir: Flamingo: Visualizing Internet Traffic. NOMS 2006: 150-161
1EEJon Oberheide, Manish Karir, Dionysus Blazakis: VAST: visualizing autonomous system topology. VizSEC 2006: 71-80

Coauthor Index

1Jon Andersen [3]
2Michael Bailey [3]
3Dionysus Blazakis [1]
4Evan Cooke [5]
5Michael Goff [2]
6Farnam Jahanian [3] [5]
7Manish Karir [1] [2] [4]
8Zhuoqing Morley Mao [3] [4]
9Jose Nazario [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)