
Nadim Obeid

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11EEAsma Moubaiddin, Nadim Obeid: Dialogue and Argumentation in Multi-agent Diagnosis. New Challenges in Applied Intelligence Technologies 2008: 13-22
10 Asma Moubaiddin, Nadim Obeid: Towards a Formal Model of Knowledge Acquisition via Cooeperative Dialogue. ICEIS (5) 2007: 182-189
9EENadim Obeid: A Formalism for Representing and Reasoning with Temporal Information, Event and Change. Appl. Intell. 23(2): 109-119 (2005)
8 Nadim Obeid: Model-Based Diagnosis and Conditional Logic. Appl. Intell. 14(2): 213-230 (2001)
7 Nadim Obeid: On the Connection Between Normal Default Reasoning and Conditional Logic. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 20(1): (2001)
6EENadim Obeid: Towards a Model of Learning through Communication. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 2(4): 498-508 (2000)
5 Nadim Obeid: A Proof Procedure for Normal Default Theories. Appl. Intell. 6(2): 165-175 (1996)
4 Nadim Obeid: Three-Values Logic and Non-Monotonic Reasoning. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 15(6): (1996)
3EENadim Obeid: Answers to modal and hypothetical questions in knowledge base systems. Appl. Intell. 2(4): 353-367 (1992)
2EEAnne N. De Roeck, Richard Ball, Keith Brown, Chris Fox, Marjolein Groefsema, Nadim Obeid, Raymond Turner: Helpful Answers To Modal And Hypothetical Questions. EACL 1991: 257-262
1EENadim Obeid: Towards a model of learning via dialogue. IEA/AIE (2) 1989: 831-837

Coauthor Index

1Richard Ball [2]
2Keith Brown [2]
3Chris Fox [2]
4Marjolein Groefsema [2]
5Asma Moubaiddin [10] [11]
6Anne N. De Roeck [2]
7Raymond Turner [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)