
Colin O'Halloran

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18EEColin O'Halloran: How to Soar with CSP. CPA 2008: 15
17EEColin O'Halloran, Andy Bates: Security and Interoperability for MANETs and a Fixed Core. SAFECOMP 2008: 5-11
16EEAna Cavalcanti, Phil Clayton, Colin O'Halloran: Control Law Diagrams in Circus. FM 2005: 253-268
15EEColin O'Halloran: Where Is the Value in a Program Verifier?. VSTTE 2005: 255-262
14EEPhil Clayton, Colin O'Halloran: Using the Compliance Notation in Industry. PSSE 2004: 269-314
13EEColin O'Halloran: Model Based Code Verification. ICFEM 2003: 16-25
12EEColin O'Halloran: Session II-A: Verification and Validation/High-Assurance Systems Acceptance-Based Assurance. ASE 2001: 63-70
11EEColin O'Halloran: Issues for the Automatic Generation of Safety Critical Software. ASE 2000: 277-280
10EER. D. Arthan, P. Caseley, Colin O'Halloran, Alf Smith: ClawZ: Control Laws in Z. ICFEM 2000: 169-176
9EEColin O'Halloran, Alf Smith: Verification of Picture Generated Code. ASE 1999: 127-136
8EEColin O'Halloran: Trusted System Construction. CSFW 1999: 124-135
7EEColin O'Halloran, Alf Smith: Don't Verify, Abstract! ASE 1998: 53-62
6 M. A. Hewitt, Colin O'Halloran, Chris T. Sennett: Experiences with PiZA, an Animator for Z. ZUM 1997: 37-51
5 Colin O'Halloran, R. D. Arthan, D. King: Using a Formal Specification Contractually. Formal Asp. Comput. 9(4): 349-358 (1997)
4EEColin O'Halloran, Chris T. Sennett: Security Through Type Analysis. ESORICS 1994: 75-89
3 Colin O'Halloran: Evaluation Semantics in Z. FME 1994: 502-518
2 Colin O'Halloran: On Requirements and Security in a CCIS. CSFW 1992: 121-134
1 Colin O'Halloran: A Calculus of Information Flow. ESORICS 1990: 147-159

Coauthor Index

1R. D. Arthan [5] [10]
2Andy Bates [17]
3P. Caseley [10]
4Ana Cavalcanti [16]
5Philip B. Clayton (Phil Clayton) [14] [16]
6M. A. Hewitt [6]
7D. King [5]
8Chris T. Sennett [4] [6]
9Alf Smith [7] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)