
Brian C. O'Connor

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5EEWilliam Isaac McWhorter, Brian C. O'Connor: Do LEGO® Mindstorms® motivate students in CS1? SIGCSE 2009: 438-442
4EEHoward Greisdorf, Brian C. O'Connor: Nodes of topicality: Modeling user notions of on topic documents. JASIST 54(14): 1296-1304 (2003)
3 Brian C. O'Connor, Mary K. O'Connor, June M. Abbas: User Reactions as Access Mechanism: An Exploration Based on Captions for Images. JASIS 50(8): 681-697 (1999)
2EEBrian C. O'Connor, Mary K. O'Connor: Book Jacket as Access Mechanism: An Attribute Rich Resource for Functional Access to Academic Books. First Monday 3(9): (1998)
1 Brian C. O'Connor: Introduction to Automation for Librarians (3rd ed.), by William Saffady. JASIS 46(1): 78-80 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1June M. Abbas [3]
2Howard Greisdorf [4]
3William Isaac McWhorter [5]
4Mary K. O'Connor [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)