
A. W. Nutbourne

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3EEA. W. Nutbourne: A cubic spline package. Part 2-The mathematics. Computer-Aided Design 5(1): 7-13 (1973)
2EEA. W. Nutbourne, P. M. McLellan, R. M. L. Kensit: Curvature profiles for plane curves. Computer-Aided Design 4(4): 176-184 (1972)
1EEA. W. Nutbourne, R. B. Morris, C. M. Hollins: A cubic spline package. Part 1 - The user's guide. Computer-Aided Design 4(5): 228-238 (1972)

Coauthor Index

1C. M. Hollins [1]
2R. M. L. Kensit [2]
3P. M. McLellan [2]
4R. B. Morris [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)