
Mirek Novak

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8EETomas Eriksson, Norbert Goertz, Mirek Novak, John B. Anderson: Trellis Based Variable Rate Residual Image Coding over Noisy Channels. DCC 2006: 252-261
7EETomas Eriksson, Mirek Novak, John B. Anderson: Short-Block Variable-Rate Trellis Quantization. DCC 2005: 251-260
6EETomas Eriksson, Stephan Hellerbrand, John B. Anderson, Mirek Novak: On the Block Size of Trellis Quantizers. DCC 2005: 457
5EETomas Eriksson, John B. Anderson, Mirek Novak, Norbert Goertz: New Methods for Trellis Source Coding at Rates Above and Below One. Data Compression Conference 2004: 537
4EETomas Eriksson, Mirek Novak, John B. Anderson: MAP Criterion Trellis Source Coding for Short Data Sequences. DCC 2003: 43-52
3EETomas Eriksson, John B. Anderson, Mirek Novak: Image Coding with the MAP Criterion. DCC 2002: 453
2EEMirek Novak: Coding of Image Residuals with Tailbiting Convolutional Codes and BCJR Decoding. Data Compression Conference 2000: 567
1EEMirek Novak: Transmission Error Robust Fractal Coding Using a Model-Residual Approach. Data Compression Conference 1998: 349-358

Coauthor Index

1John B. Anderson [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
2Tomas Eriksson [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
3Norbert Goertz (Norbert Görtz) [5] [8]
4Stephan Hellerbrand [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)