
Tim R. Norton

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14 Tim R. Norton: A Simalytic Approach to Modeling Virtualized Environments. Int. CMG Conference 2008: 261-266
13 Tim R. Norton: The Myth of Precision Planning: Understanding Capacity in an Age of Virtual Parallelism. Int. CMG Conference 2007: 471-482
12 Tim R. Norton: Using a Workload Information Repository - Mapping Businesses and Applications to Servers and Processes. ICEIS (3) 2005: 403-408
11 Tim R. Norton: The Effect of Workload Groupings on Distributed Transaction Capacity Models. Int. CMG Conference 2002: 729-738
10 Tim R. Norton: End-To-End Scaling: The Response Time Pipe. Int. CMG Conference 2001: 11-18
9EETim R. Norton: The Simalytic Modeling Technique. Performance Engineering 2001: 222-238
8EETim R. Norton: The Simalytic Modeling Technique: Overview for Application Performance Analysis. Computer Performance Evaluation / TOOLS 2000: 350-353
7 Tim R. Norton: The Modeling Pyramid: From Design to Production. Int. CMG Conference 2000: 389-398
6 Tim R. Norton: End-To-End Response-Time: Where to Measure? Int. CMG Conference 1999: 322-330
5 Tim R. Norton: Don't Predict Applications When You Should Model the Business. Int. CMG Conference 1998: 922-933
4 Tim R. Norton: Don't Plan Capacity When You Should Predict Applications. Int. CMG Conference 1997: 470-481
3 Tim R. Norton: Simalytic Enterprise Modeling - The Best Of Both Worlds. Int. CMG Conference 1996: 737-748
2 Tim R. Norton: Modeling Distributed Transaction Response Times As Impacted By In-Storage Buffer Accesses. Int. CMG Conference 1995: 365-372
1 Tim R. Norton: Modeling Workbench: Keeping Track Of Your Tools. Int. CMG Conference 1995: 668-679

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)