
A. C. Norman

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13 A. C. Norman: Compact Delivery Support for REDUCE. J. Symb. Comput. 19(1-3): 133-132 (1995)
12 A. C. Norman: Compact Delivery Support for REDUCE. DISCO 1993: 331-340
11EEA. C. Norman: A Critical-Pair/Completion Based Integration Algorithm. ISSAC 1990: 201-205
10EEA. C. Norman: Faster Combinator Reduction Using stock Hardware. LISP and Functional Programming 1988: 235-243
9 W. R. Stoye, T. J. W. Clarke, A. C. Norman: Some Practical Methods for Rapid Combinator Reduction. LISP and Functional Programming 1984: 159-166
8 A. C. Norman: The Development of a Vector-based Algebra System. EUROCAM 1982: 237-248
7 T. J. W. Clarke, P. Gladstone, C. MacLean, A. C. Norman: SKIM - The S, K, I Reduction Machine. LISP Conference 1980: 128-135
6 A. C. Norman, P. M. A. Moore: The initial design of a vector based algebra system. EUROSAM 1979: 258-265
5 A. C. Norman, James H. Davenport: Integration -- the dust settles? (invited). EUROSAM 1979: 398-407
4 John Fitch, A. C. Norman: A Note on Compacting Garbage Collection. Comput. J. 21(1): 31-34 (1978)
3 John Fitch, A. C. Norman: Implementing LISP in a High-level Language. Softw., Pract. Exper. 7(6): 713-725 (1977)
2 A. C. Norman: Expanding the Solutions of Implicit Sets of Ordinary Differential Equations in Power Series. Comput. J. 19(1): 63-68 (1976)
1EEA. C. Norman: Computing with Formal Power Series. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 1(4): 346-356 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1T. J. W. Clarke [7] [9]
2James H. Davenport [5]
3John Fitch [3] [4]
4P. Gladstone [7]
5C. MacLean [7]
6P. M. A. Moore [6]
7W. R. Stoye [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)