
Mats G. Nordahl

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14EEDaichi Ando, Palle Dahlsted, Mats G. Nordahl, Hitoshi Iba: Interactive GP with Tree Representation of Classical Music Pieces. EvoWorkshops 2007: 577-584
13EETorbjørn Helvik, Kristian Lindgren, Mats G. Nordahl: Local Information in One-Dimensional Cellular Automata. ACRI 2004: 121-130
12EEJoakim Linde, Cristopher Moore, Mats G. Nordahl: An n-Dimensional Generalization of the Rhombus Tiling. DM-CCG 2001: 23-42
11 Eduard Lukschandl, Henrik Borgvall, Lars Nohle, Mats G. Nordahl, Peter Nordin: Distributed Java Bytecode Genetic Programming with Telecom Applications. EuroGP 2000: 316-325
10 Christopher T. M. Graae, Peter Nordin, Mats G. Nordahl: Stereoscopic Vision for a Humanoid Robot Using Genetic Programming. EvoWorkshops 2000: 12-21
9 Björn Andersson, Per Svensson, Mats G. Nordahl, Peter Nordin: On-Line Evolution of Control for a Four-Legged Robot Using Genetic Programming. EvoWorkshops 2000: 319-326
8 Rikard Karlsson, Peter Nordin, Mats G. Nordahl: Sound Localization for a Humanoid Robot by Means of Genetic Programming. EvoWorkshops 2000: 65-76
7EEBjörn Andersson, Per Svensson, Peter Nordin, Mats G. Nordahl: Reactive and Memory-Based Genetic Programming for Robot Control. EuroGP 1999: 161-172
6EEPeter Nordin, Anders Eriksson, Mats G. Nordahl: Genetic Reasoning: Evolutionary Induction of Mathematical Proofs. EuroGP 1999: 221-231
5 Eduard Lukschandl, Henrik Borgvall, Lars Nohle, Mats G. Nordahl, Peter Nordin: Evolving Routing Algorithms with the JBGP-System. EvoWorkshops 1999: 193-202
4EEClaes Andersson, Mats G. Nordahl: Evolving Coupled Map Lattices for Computation. EuroGP 1998: 151-162
3EEPontus Svenson, Mats G. Nordahl: Relaxation in graph coloring and satisfiability problems CoRR cond-mat/9810144: (1998)
2 Andreas Ronge, Mats G. Nordahl: Genetic Programs and Co-Evolution: Developing robust general purpose controllers using local mating in two-dimensional populations. PPSN 1996: 81-90
1 Kristian Lindgren, Mats G. Nordahl: Cooperation and Community Structure in Artificial Ecosystems. Artificial Life 1(1-2): 15-38 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Björn Andersson [7] [9]
2Claes Andersson [4]
3Daichi Ando [14]
4Henrik Borgvall [5] [11]
5Palle Dahlsted [14]
6Anders Eriksson [6]
7Christopher T. M. Graae [10]
8Torbjørn Helvik [13]
9Hitoshi Iba [14]
10Rikard Karlsson [8]
11Joakim Linde [12]
12Kristian Lindgren [1] [13]
13Eduard Lukschandl [5] [11]
14Cristopher Moore [12]
15Lars Nohle [5] [11]
16Peter Nordin [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
17Andreas Ronge [2]
18Pontus Svenson [3]
19Per Svensson [7] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)