
Khalida Inayat Noor

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16EEKhalida Inayat Noor, Nak Eun Cho: Some convolution properties of certain classes of analytic functions. Appl. Math. Lett. 21(11): 1155-1160 (2008)
15EEKhalida Inayat Noor, Ali Muhammad: On analytic functions with generalized bounded Mocanu variation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 196(2): 802-811 (2008)
14EEKhalida Inayat Noor: On certain analytic functions related with strongly close-to-convex functions. Applied Mathematics and Computation 197(1): 149-157 (2008)
13EEMuhammad Aslam Noor, Khalida Inayat Noor: Improved iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 184(2): 270-275 (2007)
12EEMuhammad Aslam Noor, Khalida Inayat Noor: Modified iterative methods with cubic convergence for solving nonlinear equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 184(2): 322-325 (2007)
11EEJin-Lin Liu, Khalida Inayat Noor: On subordinations for certain analytic functions associated with Noor integral operator. Applied Mathematics and Computation 187(2): 1453-1460 (2007)
10EEMuhammad Aslam Noor, Khalida Inayat Noor: Fifth-order iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 188(1): 406-410 (2007)
9EEKhalida Inayat Noor: On some applications of certain integral operators. Applied Mathematics and Computation 188(1): 814-823 (2007)
8EEKhalida Inayat Noor, Muhammad Aslam Noor: Predictor-corrector Halley method for nonlinear equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 188(2): 1587-1591 (2007)
7EEKhalida Inayat Noor, Muhammad Aslam Noor: Iterative methods with fourth-order convergence for nonlinear equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 189(1): 221-227 (2007)
6EEKhalida Inayat Noor, Muhammad Aslam Noor, Shaher Momani: Modified Householder iterative method for nonlinear equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 190(2): 1534-1539 (2007)
5EEMuhammad Aslam Noor, Khalida Inayat Noor, Mahmood-ul-Hassan: Third-order iterative methods free from second derivatives for nonlinear equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 190(2): 1551-1556 (2007)
4EEKhalida Inayat Noor: Integral operators defined by convolution with hypergeometric functions. Applied Mathematics and Computation 182(2): 1872-1881 (2006)
3EEMuhammad Aslam Noor, Khalida Inayat Noor, Waseem Asghar Khan, Faizan Ahmad: On iterative methods for nonlinear equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 183(1): 128-133 (2006)
2EEMuhammad Aslam Noor, Khalida Inayat Noor: Three-step iterative methods for nonlinear equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 183(1): 322-327 (2006)
1EEMuhammad Aslam Noor, Khalida Inayat Noor: Some iterative schemes for nonlinear equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 183(2): 774-779 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Faizan Ahmad [3]
2Nak Eun Cho [16]
3Waseem Asghar Khan [3]
4Jin-Lin Liu [11]
5 Mahmood-ul-Hassan [5]
6Shaher Momani [6]
7Ali Muhammad [15]
8Muhammad Aslam Noor [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)