
Georges Nogueira

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5EEBruno Baynat, Georges Nogueira, Masood Maqbool, Marceau Coupechoux: An Efficient Analytical Model for the Dimensioning of WiMAX Networks. Networking 2009: 521-534
4EEBruno Baynat, Sebastien Doirieux, Georges Nogueira, Masood Maqbool, Marceau Coupechoux: An efficient analytical model for WiMAX networks with multiple traffic profiles. Mobility Conference 2008: 96
3EEGeorges Nogueira, Bruno Baynat, Ahmed Ziram: An efficient analytical model for QoS engineering in mobile cellular networks. WOWMOM 2008: 1-12
2EEGeorges Nogueira, Bruno Baynat, Ahmed Ziram: An Erlang-like law for GPRS/EDGE engineering and its first validation on live traffic. VALUETOOLS 2006: 24
1EEGeorges Nogueira, Bruno Baynat, Pierre Eisenmann: An analytical model for the dimensioning of a GPRS/EDGE network with a capacity constraint on a group of cells. MOBICOM 2005: 215-227

Coauthor Index

1Bruno Baynat [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Marceau Coupechoux [4] [5]
3Sebastien Doirieux [4]
4Pierre Eisenmann [1]
5Masood Maqbool [4] [5]
6Ahmed Ziram [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)