
Thomas Noël

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12EEAngeline Deleplace, Thierry Ernst, Thomas Noël: Multihoming in Nested Mobile Networks with Route Optimization. SAINT Workshops 2007: 49
11EEPedro M. Ruiz, Francisco J. Galera, Christophe Jelger, Thomas Noël: Efficient multicast routing in wireless mesh networks connected to internet. InterSense 2006: 26
10 Christophe Jelger, Thomas Noël: Algorithms for Prefix Continuity in IPv6 Ad Hoc Networks. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 2(2): (2006)
9EEJean Lorchat, Thomas Noël: Overcoming the IEEE 802.11 paradox for realtime multimedia traffic. Computer Communications 29(17): 3507-3515 (2006)
8EEJean Lorchat, Thomas Noël: Energy efficiency and QoS optimisations of IEEE 802.11 communications using frame aggregation. IJWMC 1(3/4): 229-238 (2006)
7EENicolas Montavont, Thomas Noël: Stronger interaction between link layer and network layer for an optimized mobility management in heterogeneous IPv6 networks. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 2(3): 233-261 (2006)
6EENicolas Montavont, Thomas Noël: Fast movement detection in IEEE 802.11 networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 6: 651-671 (2006)
5EEGuillaume Chelius, Christophe Jelger, Eric Fleury, Thomas Noël: IPv6 Addressing Scheme and Self-configuration for Multi-hops Wireless Ad Hoc Network. ICOIN 2005: 489-498
4EENicolas Montavont, Eric Njedjou, Franck Lebeugle, Thomas Noël: Link Triggers Assisted Optimizations for Mobile IPv4/v6 Vertical Handovers. ISCC 2005: 289-294
3EENicolas Montavont, Thomas Noël, Thierry Ernst: Multihoming in Nested Mobile Networking. SAINT Workshops 2004: 184-189
2EENicolas Montavont, Thomas Noël: Analysis and Evaluation of Mobile IPv6 Handovers over Wireless LAN. MONET 8(6): 643-653 (2003)
1EEMouhamadou Lamine Diagne, Thomas Noël, Jean-Jacques Pansiot: Active Networks for IPv6 Communication Redirection. MATA 2000: 139-150

Coauthor Index

1Guillaume Chelius [5]
2Angeline Deleplace [12]
3Mouhamadou Lamine Diagne [1]
4Thierry Ernst [3] [12]
5Eric Fleury [5]
6Francisco J. Galera [11]
7Christophe Jelger [5] [10] [11]
8Franck Lebeugle [4]
9Jean Lorchat [8] [9]
10Nicolas Montavont [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
11Eric Njedjou [4]
12Jean-Jacques Pansiot [1]
13Pedro M. Ruiz [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)