
Tohru Nitta

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13EETohru Nitta, Sven Buchholz: On the decision boundaries of hyperbolic neurons. IJCNN 2008: 2974-2980
12EETohru Nitta: The uniqueness Theorem for Complex-Valued Neural Networks with Threshold Parameters and the Redundancy of the Parameters. Int. J. Neural Syst. 18(2): 123-134 (2008)
11EETohru Nitta: Orthogonality of Decision Boundaries in Complex-Valued Neural Networks. Neural Computation 16(1): 73-97 (2004)
10EETohru Nitta: The Computational Power of Complex-Valued Neuron. ICANN 2003: 993-1002
9EETohru Nitta: Solving the XOR problem and the detection of symmetry using a single complex-valued neuron. Neural Networks 16(8): 1101-1105 (2003)
8EETohru Nitta: On the inherent property of the decision boundary in complex-valued neural networks. Neurocomputing 50: 291-303 (2003)
7EETohru Nitta: The uniqueness theorem for complex-valued neural networks and the redundancy of the parameters. Systems and Computers in Japan 34(14): 54-62 (2003)
6EETohru Nitta: Redundancy of the parameters of the complex-valued neural network. Neurocomputing 49(1-4): 423-428 (2002)
5 Tohru Nitta: An Analysis of the Fundamental Structure of Complex-Valued Neurons. Neural Processing Letters 12(3): 239-246 (2000)
4 Kenji Nishida, Tohru Nitta, Toshio Tanaka: Emotion Memory Model. Applied Informatics 1999: 222-225
3 Tohru Nitta: The Stability of the Solution in Fully Connected Neural Networks with the Encouragement Factor. ICONIP 1998: 518-521
2EETohru Nitta: An Extension of the Back-Propagation Algorithm to Complex Numbers. Neural Networks 10(8): 1391-1415 (1997)
1 Tohru Nitta: An Extension of the Back-Propagation Algorithm to Three Dimensions by Vector Product. ICTAI 1993: 460-461

Coauthor Index

1Sven Buchholz [13]
2Kenji Nishida [4]
3Toshio Tanaka [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)