
Hidenosuke Nishio

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13EEThomas Worsch, Hidenosuke Nishio: Changing Neighborhoods of CA: Reduced Local Structures and Embeddings for Universality. ACRI 2008: 252-259
12EEThomas Worsch, Hidenosuke Nishio: Variations on Neighborhoods in CA. EUROCAST 2007: 581-588
11EEHidenosuke Nishio: Changing the Neighborhood of Cellular Automata. MCU 2007: 255-266
10EEHidenosuke Nishio, Maurice Margenstern, Friedrich von Haeseler: On Algebraic Structure of Neighborhoods of Cellular AutomataHorse Power Problem. Fundam. Inform. 78(3): 397-416 (2007)
9EEHidenosuke Nishio: How Does the Neighborhood Affect the Global Behavior of Cellular Automata? ACRI 2006: 122-130
8EEHidenosuke Nishio: Completeness and Degeneracy in Information Dynamics of Cellular Automata. MFCS 2005: 699-707
7EEHidenosuke Nishio, Takashi Saito: Information Dynamics of Cellular Automata I - An Algebraic Study. Fundam. Inform. 58(2003): 399-420 (2003)
6 Takashi Saito, Hidenosuke Nishio: Structural and Behavioral Equivalence Relations in Automata Networks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 63(2): 223-237 (1989)
5EEHidenosuke Nishio: An automaton generating series of graphs. Inf. Sci. 25(2): 153-174 (1981)
4 Hidenosuke Nishio: Series of Graphs Generated by Rational Machines. WG 1980: 20-31
3 Hidenosuke Nishio: Cell Lineage System for Describing Growths of Filamentous Organisms Information and Control 37(3): 280-301 (1978)
2 Hidenosuke Nishio, Youichi Kobuchi: Fault Tolerant Cellular Spaces. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 11(2): 150-170 (1975)
1EEYouichi Kobuchi, Hidenosuke Nishio: Some regular state sets in the system of one-dimensional iterative automata. Inf. Sci. 5: 199-216 (1973)

Coauthor Index

1Friedrich von Haeseler [10]
2Youichi Kobuchi [1] [2]
3Maurice Margenstern [10]
4Takashi Saito [6] [7]
5Thomas Worsch [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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