
Yoshiyuki Nishinaka

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5EEYunwen Ye, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Yoshiyuki Nishinaka, Mitsuhiro Asada: Searching the library and asking the peers: learning to use Java APIs on demand. PPPJ 2007: 41-50
4EEKumiyo Nakakoji, Kazuhiro Jo, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Yoshiyuki Nishinaka, Mitsuhiro Asada: Reproducing and Re-experiencing the Writing Process in Japanese Calligraphy. Tabletop 2007: 75-78
3EEYoshiyuki Nishinaka, Mitsuhiro Asada, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Yunwen Ye: Please STeP_IN: A Socio-Technical Platform for in situ Networking. APSEC 2005: 813-820
2EEYasuhiro Yamamoto, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Yoshiyuki Nishinaka, Mitsuhiro Asada, Ryouichi Matsuda: What is the space for?: the role of space in authoring hypertext representations. Hypertext 2005: 117-125
1 Atsushi Aoki, Kaoru Hayashi, Kouichi Kishida, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Yoshiyuki Nishinaka, Brent Reeves, Akio Takashima, Yasuhiro Yamamoto: A Case Study of the Evolution of Jun: An Object-Oriented Open-Source 3D Multimedia Library. ICSE 2001: 524-533

Coauthor Index

1Atsushi Aoki [1]
2Mitsuhiro Asada [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Kaoru Hayashi [1]
4Kazuhiro Jo [4]
5Kouichi Kishida [1]
6Ryouichi Matsuda [2]
7Kumiyo Nakakoji [1] [2] [4] [5]
8Brent Reeves [1]
9Akio Takashima [1]
10Yasuhiro Yamamoto [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
11Yunwen Ye [3] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)