
Vivek Nirkhe

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6 Vivek Nirkhe, Mark Baugher: Quality of Service Support for Networked Media Players. COMPCON 1995: 234-238
5 Vivek Nirkhe, William Pugh: A Partial Evaluator for the Maruti Hard Real-Time System. Real-Time Systems 5(1): 13-30 (1993)
4 Vivek Nirkhe, William Pugh: Partial Evaluation of High-Level Imperative Programming Languages, with Applications in Hard Real-Time Systems. POPL 1992: 269-280
3 Scott D. Carson, Vivek Nirkhe, Paul Vongsathorn: A Discrete-State Model of the Two-Headed Disk. Inf. Process. Lett. 41(6): 341-345 (1992)
2 Satish K. Tripathi, Vivek Nirkhe: Pre-Scheduling for Synchronization in Hard Real-Time Systems. Operating Systems of the 90s and Beyond 1991: 102-108
1 Vivek Nirkhe, Satish K. Tripathi, Ashok K. Agrawala: Language Support for the Maruti Real-Time System. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1990: 257-266

Coauthor Index

1Ashok K. Agrawala [1]
2Mark Baugher [6]
3Scott D. Carson [3]
4William Pugh [4] [5]
5Satish K. Tripathi [1] [2]
6Paul Vongsathorn [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)