
Jim Q. Ning

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11EEJim Q. Ning: ADE - An Architecture Design Environment for Component-Based Software Engineering. ICSE 1997: 614-615
10EEFrançois Bronsard, Douglas Bryan, Wojtek Kozaczynski, Edy S. Liongosari, Jim Q. Ning, Ásgeir Ólafsson, John W. Wetterstrand: Toward Software Plug-and-Play. SSR 1997: 19-29
9EEJim Q. Ning: A Component-Based Software Development Model. COMPSAC 1996: 389-
8 M. Solinger, Andre Engberts, Jim Q. Ning: Transferring Reengineering Technology to a Software Development and Maintenance Organization: An Experience Report. ICSM 1994: 100-108
7 Jim Q. Ning, Andre Engberts, Wojtek Kozaczynski: Automated Support for Legacy Code Understanding. Commun. ACM 37(5): 50-57 (1994)
6 Jim Q. Ning, Andre Engberts, Wojtek Kozaczynski: Recovering Reusable Components from Legacy Systems. WCRE 1993: 64-72
5EEWojtek Kozaczynski, Jim Q. Ning, Andre Engberts: Program Concept Recognition and Transformation. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 18(12): 1965-1075 (1992)
4 Wojtek Kozaczynski, Stanley Letovsky, Jim Q. Ning: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Software System Understanding. KBSE 1991: 162-170
3 Mehdi T. Harandi, Jim Q. Ning: Knowledge-Based Program Analysis. IEEE Software 7(1): 74-81 (1990)
2 Wojtek Kozaczynski, Jim Q. Ning: SRE: A Knowledge-Based Environment for Large-Scale Software Re-Engineering Activities. ICSE 1989: 113-122
1EEJim Q. Ning, Mehdi T. Harandi: Automating the function-level understanding of programs. IEA/AIE (2) 1989: 631-636

Coauthor Index

1François Bronsard [10]
2Douglas Bryan [10]
3Andre Engberts [5] [6] [7] [8]
4Mehdi T. Harandi [1] [3]
5Wojtek Kozaczynski [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10]
6Stanley Letovsky (Stanley Ian Letovsky) [4]
7Edy S. Liongosari [10]
8Ásgeir Ólafsson [10]
9M. Solinger [8]
10John W. Wetterstrand [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)