
Erik Nilsen

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8EEMoira Burke, Anthony J. Hornof, Erik Nilsen, Nicholas Gorman: High-cost banner blindness: Ads increase perceived workload, hinder visual search, and are forgotten. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 12(4): 423-445 (2005)
7EEMoira Burke, Nicholas Gorman, Erik Nilsen, Anthony J. Hornof: Banner ads hinder visual search and are forgotten. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1139-1142
6EEErik Nilsen, David Fencsik, Aidan Smith, Linda Solares, Scott Stratton: Reducing visual stress symptoms of VDT users with prescription eyeglasses. CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 268-269
5EEShawna Meyer, Oryx Cohen, Erik Nilsen: Device comparisons for goal-directed drawing tasks. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 251-252
4EEErik Nilsen, Hee Sen Jong, Judith S. Olson, Kevin Biolsi, Henry H. Rueter, Sharon Mutter: The growth of software skill: a longitudinal look at learning & performance. INTERCHI 1993: 149-156
3EEOryx Cohen, Shawna Meyer, Erik Nilsen: Studying the movement of high-tech Rodentia: pointing and dragging. INTERCHI Adjunct Proceedings 1993: 135-136
2EEErik Nilsen, Hee Sen Jong, Judith S. Olson, Peter G. Polson: Method engineering: from data to model to practice. CHI 1992: 313-320
1 Neff Walker, John B. Smelcer, Erik Nilsen: Optimizing Speed and Accuracy of Menu Selection: A Comparison of Walking and Pull-Down Menus. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 35(6): 871-890 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Kevin Biolsi [4]
2Moira Burke [7] [8]
3Oryx Cohen [3] [5]
4David Fencsik [6]
5Nicholas Gorman [7] [8]
6Anthony J. Hornof [7] [8]
7Hee Sen Jong [2] [4]
8Shawna Meyer [3] [5]
9Sharon Mutter [4]
10Judith S. Olson [2] [4]
11Peter G. Polson [2]
12Henry H. Rueter [4]
13John B. Smelcer [1]
14Aidan Smith [6]
15Linda Solares [6]
16Scott Stratton [6]
17Neff Walker [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)