
Urs Niesen

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10EEUrs Niesen, Aslan Tchamkerten: Tracking Stopping Times Through Noisy Observations. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55(1): 422-432 (2009)
9EEUrs Niesen, Devavrat Shah, Gregory W. Wornell: Adaptive Alternating Minimization Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55(3): 1423-1429 (2009)
8EEUrs Niesen, Devavrat Shah, Gregory W. Wornell: Source Coding with Mismatched Distortion Measures CoRR abs/0804.0635: (2008)
7EEUrs Niesen, Piyush Gupta, Devavrat Shah: The Capacity Region of Large Wireless Networks CoRR abs/0809.1344: (2008)
6EEUrs Niesen, Piyush Gupta, Devavrat Shah: On Capacity Scaling in Arbitrary Wireless Networks CoRR abs/0711.2745: (2007)
5EEUrs Niesen, Devavrat Shah, Gregory W. Wornell: Adaptive Alternating Minimization Algorithms CoRR abs/cs/0701043: (2007)
4EEUrs Niesen, Aslan Tchamkerten, Gregory W. Wornell: Tracking Stopping Times CoRR abs/math/0701261: (2007)
3EEUrs Niesen, Christina Fragouli, Daniela Tuninetti: On Capacity of Line Networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(11): 4039-4058 (2007)
2EEUrs Niesen, Uri Erez, Devavrat Shah, Gregory W. Wornell: Rateless Codes for the Gaussian Multiple Access Channel. GLOBECOM 2006
1EEUrs Niesen, Beat Pfister: Speaker verification by means of ANNs. ESANN 2004: 145-150

Coauthor Index

1Uri Erez [2]
2Christina Fragouli [3]
3Piyush Gupta [6] [7]
4Beat Pfister [1]
5Devavrat Shah [2] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
6Aslan Tchamkerten [4] [10]
7Daniela Tuninetti [3]
8Gregory W. Wornell [2] [4] [5] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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