
Valtteri Niemi

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20EEZheng Yan, Valtteri Niemi, Yan Dong, Guoliang Yu: A User Behavior Based Trust Model for Mobile Applications. ATC 2008: 455-469
19EEValtteri Niemi: Issues with Applying Cryptography in Wireless Systems. Theory Is Forever 2004: 205-215
18 Valtteri Niemi: Hiding Regular Languages. Grammars and Automata for String Processing 2003: 305-316
17EEValtteri Niemi: Cryptography in Wireless Standards: (Invited Paper). IMA Int. Conf. 2003: 303-305
16EEN. Asokan, Valtteri Niemi, Kaisa Nyberg: Man-in-the-Middle in Tunnelled Authentication Protocols. Security Protocols Workshop 2003: 28-41
15EEHelger Lipmaa, N. Asokan, Valtteri Niemi: Secure Vickrey Auctions without Threshold Trust. Financial Cryptography 2002: 87-101
14 Valtteri Niemi, Ari Renvall: Solitaire Zero-knowledge. Fundam. Inform. 38(1-2): 181-188 (1999)
13EEValtteri Niemi, Ari Renvall: Efficient Voting with No Selling of Votes. Theor. Comput. Sci. 226(1-2): 105-116 (1999)
12EEValtteri Niemi, Ari Renvall: Secure Multiparty Computations Without Computers. Theor. Comput. Sci. 191(1-2): 173-183 (1998)
11 Valtteri Niemi, Ari Renvall: Multiparty Computations with a Deck of Cards. Developments in Language Theory 1997: 167-174
10EECunsheng Ding, Valtteri Niemi, Ari Renvall, Arto Salomaa: TWOPRIME: A Fast Stream Ciphering Algorithm. FSE 1997: 88-102
9 Jarkko Kari, Valtteri Niemi: Colored Gauss and Tangent Codes on the Torus. Developments in Language Theory 1995: 54-63
8 Valtteri Niemi, Ari Renvall: How to Prevent Buying of Votes in Computer Elections. ASIACRYPT 1994: 164-170
7 Valtteri Niemi, Ari Renvall: Cryptographic Protocols and Voting. Results and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science 1994: 307-317
6 Jarkko Kari, Valtteri Niemi: Morphic Images of Gauss Codes. Developments in Language Theory 1993: 144-156
5 Valtteri Niemi: Density in discrete systems. Bulletin of the EATCS 44: 168-177 (1991)
4EEValtteri Niemi: Power languages and density. Discrete Applied Mathematics 32(2): 183-193 (1991)
3EEValtteri Niemi: A New Trapdoor in Knapsacks. EUROCRYPT 1990: 405-411
2 Valtteri Niemi: Maximal Dense Intervals of Grammar Forms. ICALP 1988: 424-438
1 Valtteri Niemi: The Undecidability of Form Equivalence for Context-Free and E0L Forms. Theor. Comput. Sci. 32: 261-277 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1N. Asokan [15] [16]
2Cunsheng Ding [10]
3Yan Dong [20]
4Jarkko Kari [6] [9]
5Helger Lipmaa [15]
6Kaisa Nyberg [16]
7Ari Renvall [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
8Arto Salomaa [10]
9Zheng Yan [20]
10Guoliang Yu [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)