
Guihua Nie

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6EEKui Fu, Guihua Nie, Huimin Wang: Hybrid Strategies for Attribute Relation Learning from Candidates. COMPSAC 2008: 199-202
5EEKui Fu, Guihua Nie, Donglin Chen, Huimin Wang: A Semantic Integration Framework for E-Business and Logistics Systems. CSSE (3) 2008: 394-397
4EEKui Fu, Guihua Nie, Huimin Wang: Finding Attributes from Candidates Using HowNet. FSKD (2) 2008: 150-154
3EEPingfeng Liu, Guihua Nie, Donglin Chen: Exploiting Semantic Descriptions of Products and User Profiles for Recommender Systems. CIDM 2007: 179-185
2EEPingfeng Liu, Guihua Nie, Donglin Chen, Zhichao Fu: The Knowledge Grid Based Intelligent Electronic Commerce Recommender Systems. SOCA 2007: 223-232
1EEYongjun Liu, Guihua Nie: Implementation of Supply Chains Coordination Using Semantic Web Service Composition. SOCA 2007: 249-254

Coauthor Index

1Donglin Chen [2] [3] [5]
2Kui Fu [4] [5] [6]
3Zhichao Fu [2]
4Pingfeng Liu [2] [3]
5Yongjun Liu [1]
6Huimin Wang [4] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)